One of the most important elements of your organization is undoubtedly the team of people that makes it all happen. Here, you will learn the steps in creating a staff or team members page. First you will learn how to create the page itself; second, you will learn how to add team members to it. Within the page, you will be able to create and display a profile and photo for each of your valued team members.

This is an example of a Team Members page.

Creating a Team Members Page:

  1. Select Pages in customizer.
  2. Add new page by clicking “+” button.
  3. Create a title for your page.
  4. Page Template > Team Members.
  5. *Optional: Add a featured image or an excerpt if you wish; you will see these options in the customizer as well.
  6. Save & Publish.

An example of a Team Member

Adding Team Members:

  1. Select Team Members in customizer.
  2. Add team member with “+” button.
  3. Add team member’s name within Title field.
  4. Add bio/content in Open Editor.
  5. Add a featured image with Select Image button. (To add images into your Media Library, simply drag and drop the photo or file onto the screen.) > Use As Featured Image.
  6. Add any additional features* if you wish.
  7. Save & Publish.

*Additional features:

  • Adding an Excerpt will provide an “intro” phrase for the profile.
  • Entering an Order number for each team member will place them in numerical order on your team members page.
  • Add a Member Title, or “company position” for your team member.
  • Copy and paste URLs to personal links.